Chooses to Grow

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While I love inspirational quotes and stories, I have learnt that effective motivation comes from within, not from external influences. If we can find a way to break free of our internal conditioning and learn to see our world as it truly is then we can find a way to embrace the joy hidden in every situation.

I have been lucky enough to have life serve me up a wide range of experiences, good, bad and down right ugly. One thing it taught me through it all is, (to quote Randy Pausch from The Last Lecture) “it’s not about the cards you’re dealt, but how you play the hand”.   

This section is about making changes to the way we view things to enable us to maximise self awareness and hence be able to identify the best personal growth hacks.

19th May 2016  10:03:12

Internal Witch-hunts

Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, is about the dreadful witch-hunts that took place among early American settlers. To this day, in some lands, innocent individuals are still sometimes accused of sorcery and cast out by their communities. We can, if we are not careful, develop collective misconceptions, then uphold those delusions so devoutly that we allow them to justify regrettable actions.

The thing is we also do this as individuals about our own lives and the things that happen to us. When things go wrong we can make similar errors and look to blame outside influences instead of taking responsibility for our lot. We can blame our bosses, our parents, the government, our teachers, that bully from the 5th grade. As we happily carry out our own internal witch hunts to move blame we lose accountability.

To grow we need to be take responsibility for ALL things in our lives.

18th May 2016  14:28:09

Stay in touch

 Have a question?

Just ask me

You want to feel free?

HOW dare you even think about it? Don’t you know your place? Can’t you see the need to stay within that safe set of boundaries? You should be wise enough, by now, to see the danger of reaching for some distant dream – Aren’t you?

Pull back, leave off, give up. Settle instead, for the dull, the tedious, the obvious and the sensible. And that IS what you want to do, isn’t it?…. It isn’t?

Ah, well then, let me ask you some more questions. Whose permission do you require? Who are you obliged to consult? Who must you take great care not to offend? What is the secret hold that others have over you?

We all have more freedom than we realise. Maybe that’s partly why we are subconsciously looking for reasons to feel restricted. Perhaps we want to be told that we can’t do something or go somewhere. Like an adolescent, testing the parental boundaries, we want, on the one hand, to rebel and go our own way yet, on the other, to feel the security of a rule or two.

So which experience do you want more?

Nothing is stopping you other than your own desire to be stopped. Don’t follow everyone else - Take that wild road, the one less travelled. Don’t expect it to be easy, but do expect it to prove extremely gratifying. Most of us have spent way too long in chains. There is no time like now to break free and explore all the options that you have been denied to yourself.

25th May 2016  10:47:12

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new -  socrates


Questions answered

 Have a question?

Just ask me

” I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.”

― Groucho Marx